Online Hindi Classes

How it works

While nothing can improve on face-to-face instruction, yet is not always possible. Because of this, We offer online instruction for those students who wish to learn Hindi but are not able to make the trip to Varanasi or Madurai.

Online instruction is a first-rate way to build confidence and skills before traveling to India–as well as a way to maintain skills after a trip.

Whether you be a Hindi aspirant or an academician planning for a research trip or a fan of bollywood looking forward to translate your favorite songs. We suit every body. Our online classes are for every Hindi loving soul. Online classes are a great way for anyone to take their Hindi learning to the next step. Sessions can be arranged for both new and former students. We are always flexible.

What we offer

Online classes are arranged through SkypeMy status. As in private and group lessons, we will review teaching materials and will work together to make a plan for improving the student’s Hindi. A lesson usually lasts one hour, although we can make adjustments depending on your needs. Both new and former students are welcome.

Payment for online lessons is accepted via Paypal ( – click to pay) and Western Union.

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